Placement Papers

featured postFeature: 3 A's of Career Change
A must read article if you are planning for career change. Provides the step-by-step plan of action for career change.
Placement PapersPlacement Papers
Get the latest placement papers of all companies organised in an easy-to-find alphabetic order.
Career ArtilcesCareer Articles
Articles on developing your career. How-to, Tips etc.
Career VideosCareer Videos
There are millions of videos online. Don't just watch anything, watch the right ones here!
Campus HeroCampus Hero
Wanna be the hero of your campus? This is what you should follow...
Test PatternsTest Patterns
Companies keep changing the test patterns. Find the latest test patterns here. Knowing this will give you the winning edge.
Company ProfilesCompany Profiles
Companies expect you to know what they are. Find the typical 2 paragraphs about companies here.
Placement NewsPlacement News
[comming soon] Here you will find news from your placement point-of-view. News you can use! 
Jobs for FreshersFresher Jobs
[comming soon] Listing of job openings for freshers and entry level positions.
Campus PlacementCampus Placements
Step-by-step guide on campus placement proceedures and tips.

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