IBM Test Pattern
2006 IBM is a multi national of international repute and holds high
stature in the field of computers. The IBM selection procedure takes the
following form in 2006.
The written round consists of 40 questions equally divided into two sections viz, the Aptitude part and the Technical part. The aptitude part has some distance-time-speed type problems, some age related problems, some clock related problems and work related problems. The technical part has questions mainly from C and OS. There are also a few questions related to time complexity, binary trees and pointers. The interview has a two member panel and as usual starts with a self introduction of the candidate. It's a mixed interview, has both HR and technical questions. One member keeps asking tech stuff while the other concentrates on HR. The HR person will surely ask you about holidaying some where, so be prepared. The tech person seemed to be interested in C and DBMS.