Wipro Placement Papers


Kottayam, 2006

1. Ramu's salary was reduced by 10% and then increased by 10%. What is the difference in is final salary and initial salary?
2. A girl speaks the truth 4 out of 5 times. If she throws a die and reports it to be a 6, What is the probability of it being a 6?
3. Andy and Brito can finish a piece of work in 10 days, Brito and Cate in 20 days and Cate and Andy in 30 days. How many days would Andy take to complete the work?
4. A train 80m long is moving at a speed of 60 Kmph. How long will it take to overtake another train 120m long, moving at 50Kmph.
5. Ravi's father is 39. Next year, Ravi's mother who is 4 years younger to his father would be 4 times as old as he would be then. How old is Ravi now?
6. Sara has certain number of children.
Each boy has as many sisters as brothers and
each girl has double the number of brothers as sisters.
How many cildren does Sara have?
7. All candies are biscuits. Some biscuits are not good for health (a) Some candies are not good for health (b) Some biscuits are good for health (c) No biscuits are good for health (d) Both (a) and (b)
8. Some Currencies are bills. All bills are made of paper (a) Some Currencies are made of paper (b) Some Currencies are not made of paper (c) No Currencies are made of paper (d) None of the above
9. If "segment" is coded as rffndou, then how is "ritual" coded as? (a) qhubtk (b) shutbm (c) qjutbk (d) qhutbk
10. If "Rugby" is "cricket" ,"cricket" is "baseball" ,"baseball" is "volleyball","volleyball" is "khokho" and "khokho" is cricket, which is not a ball game?
11. What would be the out put of the below C program? main() { struct e{ char city[20]; int pin; float area; }; struct e tst={"Hell"}; print("%d %f \n",tst.pin,tst.area); }
12. What would be the out put of the below C program? main() { int k=10,j; for(p=0;p<1;p++) { int k=20; printf("%d",k); } printf("%d",k); }
13. What would be the out put of the below C program? main() { int abc; printf("%d",abc); } extern int abc=20;
14. Identify the error in the following code main() { int num=6; printf("%d",num) ; }
15. Identify the error in the following code main() { int k; k = 3300 * 10+20+4325 * 0; printf("%d",k); }

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