Accenture Test Pattern

Accenture Test Pattern


August 2006

Accenture is a Global leader and therefore screens candidates thoroughly before placing them. The Accenture test takes the following pattern in 2006.


There are a total of 4 rounds.

Round I Written
Round II GD
Round III HR Interview
Round IV Tech Interview

The written round consists of three sections viz, Aptitude, Verbal and Comprehension. Some aptitude questions were based on Venn diagrams. The passage given for comprehension was a technical one and those having technical knowledge will be able to write the answers even without reading the passage.

The GD was conducted on a group of 15 members. The buzz word was to make yourself heard by every one and use good English. They do not usually give importance to your points. This is where the biggest elimination take place.

HR Interview was fairly simple and did not have much elimination.

Tech Interview was another big elimination round. So be ready with every area of your project.


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